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Roadkill Infographic by Budget Direct
Every year throughout Australia thousands of native wildlife are killed on our roads. Being aware of animals crossing and careful driving practices will help reduce roadkill statistics and protect our animals. This infographic developed by Budget Direct shows the shocking roadkill statistics. Please share it with all your friends and help reduce Australia’s shamefully high...
AFA November 2013 Newsletter
Our November 2013 Newsletter is now available for download. Please select the image below or click this link.
AFA August 2013 Newsletter Available for Download Now
Please sign this petition to stop the environmentally destructive Marina 250 Berths at Putney Point
A message from Gideon Polya – Climate Change
Message From: Dr Gideon Polya Message: Dear Sir/Madam, The Australian Climate Commission has estimated that at present rates of pollution the world has only 15 years before it exceeds the remaining terminal pollution budget of 600 billion tonnes of CO2 that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% probability of avoiding...
Gladstone Observer – Survey to look at future of Great Barrier Reef
APN Newsdesk | 17th Jun 2013 1:00 PM AS the World Heritage Committee meets to decide whether to list the Great Barrier Reef as “in danger”, a major CSIRO study will seek the views of 5000 Australians on its future. The $2 million study will run over the next two months from Cooktown to Bundaberg....
Beware the makers of Spin – They work to a method.
We don’t know if marketing guru and propagandist Toby Ralph knows much about wind farms. But he certainly knows how big companies bulldoze small communities. Speaking on The Gruen Planet recently, he referred to the following template companies use to counter community opposition. 1. Forge local relationships 2. Understand local concerns 3. Create local opinion...
Echonetdaily BYRON BAY. August 21st, 2012 Crunch time for koalas Sue Arnold, Australians for Animals Inc The ABC 4 Corners documentary was, as usual, lightweight and poorly researched. In fact the situation facing koala survival is much worse than reported. It’s astonishing that the Four Corners team should rely on so-called experts who have been...
Hi, It was really very frustrating to watch the Four Corners documentary last night. Frustrating because only the so-called experts were interviewed and their expertise deserved much closer questioning. For starters, there was no explanation at all about the role that koalas play in the forest ecosystem or the importance of koalas being left in...