Australia’s Minister for the Environment ( more appropriately known as the Minister against the Environment) has made known his latest insanity which will see dugong habitat destroyed by an Indian coal company in partnership with Australia’s richest woman, Gina Hancock.
For every hectacre of seagrass destroyed by the port infrastructure at Abbot Point where a $10 billion joint project has been approved, the company will have to protect another 8 hectacres.
What a joke ? This area is dugong habitat, seagrass meadows are critical for their survival and dugongs in the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park are way down in numbers.
Imagine for a moment, who and how would any government monitor how many hectacres of seagrass are destroyed and what/where the 8 hectacres which are supposed to be protected would be located.
Australia is in the midst of an epidemic of madness. Our politicians spend their time hurling insults at each other, the Greens are entirely focused on refugees and same sex marriage and the environment is being raped by the oil and gas industry. Greatly facilitated by state and federal governments whose only way of keeping a ” healthy ” economy is to ensure the precious natural resources of this ancient continent are sold off to the highest bidder with minimum conditions and barriers.
In Gladstone Harbour, the Gladstone Port Corporation is attempting to get Federal government approval for a huge second shipping channel which will see massive dredging of the seabed. The second channel, we the zombie Australian public, are told is that its needed for all the ships which will be trucking out our coal, our LNG, our resources.
The project is awaiting Federal government approval. No bets on Minister Burke refusing.
Time for the public to wake up to what’s happening behind the scenes as the eternal bickering and slander passes for parliamentary debate.
There’s not a lot of time to stop the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef and the critters who depend on healthy marine ecosystems.
AFA will keep you posted. This organisation has been fighting for whales and dolphins, for dugongs, turtles and terrestial wildlife for more than 27 years and we’re not gonna give up this battle !
Join us !