December 14, 2013

The Fukushima catastrophe and what we can do.

The Fukushima catastrophe is worsening, it’s spreading here,(USA) and we must take action.

“How serious this accident is? Very, very serious, of course…Still not under control…we’re still in the stage of accident.”–  Dr. Tatsujiro Suzuki, Vice Chairman, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, October 12, 2013.

The initial explosions in March 2011 spread radiation worldwide; airborne radiation reached the West Coast in three days.  Monitors show ongoing rising air contamination here, and Japan is burning radioactive debris, further contaminating the air. Rain increases exposure. Kelp absorbs radiation. Berkeley rainwater after the initial accident was 181 times the federal limit for radioactive iodine in drinking water.

The fuel cores of reactors 1, 2, and 3 melted down and through, and may have gone into the earth. “The levels of radiation in buildings 1,2 and 3 are now so high that no human can enter or get close to the molten cores.”–  Helen Caldicott, MD.

There is ongoing contamination of groundwater, and 400 tons of contaminated water, according to Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), flow into the Pacific every day, with recent huge increases in radiation levels. The plume of radioactive water is crossing the Pacific and will be here soon. It has already gotten to Alaska. Hundreds of dead sea birds are washing up in Alaska. Seals, 28% of polar bears, and other mammals have sores, are losing fur, and have internal damage. Sea creatures are massing along the West Coast and in Monterey Bay. When will dead animals begin washing up here?

The health toll is rising in Japan, including thyroid cancer, rare diseases, and children having heart attacks. There was a spike In infant deaths here initially, and the toll will rise here as well. Cesium goes to muscle including heart muscle; after Chernobyl, heart disease was much more prevalent than even cancers. Japanese doctors are discouraged from reporting or talking to patients about Fukushima. In April, 2012, Dr. Tomoyuki Yamazaki said a growing number of children he sees have “nosebleeds that don’t stop, incurable stomatitis,…and pains in their chests.” In March 2012, pediatrician Shintaro Kikuchi sent out an international appeal, saying. “We are now in very bad condition. Especially for children. So, please give us help.” How many in the U.S. even heard?

Reactor 4’s spent fuel rod pool contains 256 tons of highly radioactive material. It is 100 feet in the air in a damaged, fragile building that is tilting and sinking. If an earthquake, tsunami, or typhoon topples the building, if the pool dumps over, spilling out the water and the rods, it could create a world-impacting disaster with 4000 times the fuel of Hiroshima (Prof. Hiroaki Koide, Kyoto University Reactor Research Institute).

TEPCO started removing the spent fuel November 25, but this extremely hazardous operation is worsened by the damage many fuel rods sustained. Nuclear experts are very worried about a criticality if rods get too close, touch, fall, become exposed to the air, or fall apart as they are being removed. Some rods may be impossible to remove. Mitsuhei Murata, former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland: “It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on NO.4 reactor.” Yasuro Kawai, former nuclear plant engineer, on an independent commission overseeing the fuel removal operation: “All I can do is pray that nothing goes wrong.”

The mainstream media has been largely silent, and the public has to search for information. ENE News (www.enenews.com) is one source for interviews and reports from nuclear experts, physicians, NRC meetings, media, and the international community as they become available.

Fairfax City Council has passed a resolution, and Berkeley City Council is considering a resolution, calling for monitoring and international action, but Congress, and state and federal regulatory agencies have been silent. This year, the Obama administration raised radiation levels in drinking water allowed after a nuclear incident.

“I believe that humanity is standing on the brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust.”– Dr. Stephen Hosea, infectious disease specialist, October 31, 2013

We must take action. We are people of power – hearts, minds, bodies, hands able to stop and defuse this radiation, stop further damage, and heal the peoples harmed. Children are most open and fearless. It is imperative that we stand together at the ocean and wherever we are to send healing energies and prayers to the ocean, to Japan, and to the earth with our family, our friends, and our community.

Thought, word, songs, energy healing modalities, such as reiki, music, art, dance, ceremony, prayers, meditations, and more are needed now. Masaru Emoto has written extensively about the healing properties of water, affected by words and intentions. The more creative and the more widespread these actions, the better.

We cannot ignore this growing disaster. Our future is at stake, and it’s up to us.

Nina Beety
Monterey, California



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