THE AUSTRALIAN 27th May, 2013
Iceland is to resume commercial whaling next month, killing up to 184 endangered Fin whales over the coming northern summer partly to supply a burgeoning Japanese market in LUXURY DOG SNACKS.
Kristian Loftsson, the millionaire entrepreneur who owns two whaling vessels dating back to the 950s, said they would head out to sea again next month after a refurbishment.
Much of the meat from the creatures, which are second only to the blue whale in size, is expected to be sent to Japan with some going for human consumption but most destined for use as speciality DOG FOODS.
that revelation will anger environmentalists, who say Ic eland is acting in defiance of the global moratorium on hunting great whale species agreed by members of the International whaling Commission.
However, Mr Loftsson’s operation has been backed by the Icelandic government, which says the Fin whale population to the west of Iceland, where Mr Loftsson’s ships will hunt, is growing and can withstand sustainable harvesting after a three year break.Fin whales are classed as ” endangered” – at very high risk of extinction – by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Past hunting of the 40 tonne creatures nearly wiped them out.
However, the suggestion that their populations are recovering is backed by the IWC’s latest scientific reports. they show the Fin whale population around Iceland and east Greenland has risen from 15,000 in l988 to 22,000 in 2007, with another census expected to show further rises. However, the IWC did not agree with Iceland’s proposed total catch. Its latest models suggest the catch should not exceed 46 whales. Sunday Times.